Use our online form to update your contact details.
We would also be delighted to hear from you whenever you change your job or reach a milestone in your life.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Family Name:
Date of Birth:
Home address:
County :
Phone number
Email Address
Subject of Study
Level of your degree/qualification
Employment Details
Job Title
Address Line 1
Your data is securely held in the University's Development and Alumni Relations Office and will be treated confidentially and with sensitivity for the benefit of the University and its members. The data is available to our schools and departments, recognised alumni societies, sports and other clubs associated with the University, and to agents contracted by the University for particular alumni-related projects.
Data is used for a full range of alumni activities, including the sending of University publications, the promotion of benefits and services available to alumni, notification of alumni events and of programmes involving academics and administrative departments. Data may also be used in fundraising programmes which might include an element of direct marketing.
Under the terms of the 1998 Data Protection Act you have the right to object.
Data is used for a full range of alumni activities, including the sending of University publications, the promotion of benefits and services available to alumni, notification of alumni events and of programmes involving academics and administrative departments. Data may also be used in fundraising programmes which might include an element of direct marketing.
Under the terms of the 1998 Data Protection Act you have the right to object.